Tuesday 31 January 2012

Assignment 1 Intro

The camera I have is a Canon EOS Rebel XS, it has a change able lens. I've been taking pictures since I was 14, but I haven't used any Photoshop since I was in grade 10 and the software that was used back than (don't remember what it was). However, I did receive the Sony Vegas Movie Studio Pro 11 for Christmas because I do like making little videos for YouTube. Some interest I have is different types of Photography, for example, Fashion, Weddings, Animals, Travel, all that jazz. I would like to be a Fashion Photographer who starts her career in Paris, I did have a little practice of taking photos of people, but not to the point of having a studio and dressing them up in the latest and most craziest fashions. However, if that does not work out I will be a hairdresser. I would like to learn more about Photoshop and how you can make outstanding photos with the pictures you take. I would also really like to get out a lot to take different pictures and get some more practice in. I learn best when I work alone, and I honestly dislike working with others that I don't know. I also work best when I am doing something, I can't just read something and know what I'm doing, I actually have to do it and experience it to understand fully of what I am doing. 

The photographer that has inspired me since day one is Ansel Adams (as corny as that sounds), but before I was even in high school and in the photography class I already knew who he was and about his work. Since I was little, there was always pictures being taken in my family. We have so many pictures of my past we don't have anywhere to put them, and thanks to them and Ansel Adams, I want to be the next greatest photographer. I know its a long adventure since there are so many people joining that career now days, but I'm one of those people who will not give up and do my best to get what I want.